Contact Us

For real estate purchases and other inquiries

Sales Division


For inquiries about the sale of real estate

Property Management Department


Inquiries regarding investor relations

Administration Division, Public Relations Office


For inquiries regarding recruitment, please contact us by email.

Notes Concerning Inquiries

  • Please note that depending on the content of your inquiry, it may take some time for us to respond or, in some cases, we may not be able to answer your question.
  • Emails that we reply to are addressed to the individual who made the inquiry. We ask that you refrain from reprinting or making secondary use of our responses, in whole or in part.
  • Please note that we will not respond to questions that fall under the following categories.
    • Questions regarding non-public information (e.g., earnings trends)
    • Questions regarding price movements in the stock market
    • Questions that may fall under the category of “material facts” as defined in Article 166 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (e.g., shareholder returns, stock price measures)
    • Messages that fall under the category of slander (unfounded abuse, defamatory language, etc.)
    • Solicitation or sales inquiries (e.g., information on XX services)
  • Depending on the content of the inquiry, we may provide a response by means other than email.
  • Please note that we may not be able to respond to your inquiry if you do not fill in your personal contact information correctly.

Contact Form

    • Please enter your email address in half-width characters. You may not receive a response from us due to typing errors, restrictions on the domain name or reception of cell phones, system failures, or for other reasons.
    • Please do not use half-width katakana or special symbols (Roman numerals, encircled numbers, etc.). Please note that if you use characters or symbols that are machine- or environment-dependent, your message may not be sent correctly.
    • Please note that it may take longer for us to respond to inquiries received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, or during our company holidays, such as the year-end, Golden Week, and Bon holidays.
    • The personal information we receive from you will be used only to respond to your inquiry and provide you with information. If you would like to know more about our policy regarding the handling of personal information in general, please see our Privacy Policy page. For other disclaimers, please refer to the Disclaimer page.